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Equity Research vs Investment Banking: What’s the Difference?

By February 19, 2021August 14th, 2024Forex Trading

equity research financial modeling

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Overall, if one has to make a choice between embarking on a career equity research financial modeling in equity research versus one in investment banking, factors such as work-life balance, visibility, and barriers to entry favor equity research. On the other hand, factors like prospects for advancement, job functions, and compensation tilt the scales in favor of investment banking. Ultimately, however, the choice comes down to your own skill set, personality, education, and ability to manage work pressures and conflicts of interest.

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The first page of an “Update” report states the bank’s recommendation (Buy, Hold, or Sell, sometimes with slightly different terminology), and gives recent updates on the company. These are comprehensive examples, backed by industry data and outside research, but if you want a shorter/simpler example you can recreate in a few hours, the Core Financial Modeling course has just that. However, the sell-side analyst will not tie these factors to specific share-price impacts as a buy-side analyst would. If a company seems overvalued by 50%, a research analyst would probably write a “Hold” recommendation, say that there’s “uncertainty around several customers,” and claim that the company’s current market value is appropriate. In an equity research report, you’ll still express a view of the company that’s different from the consensus, but your view won’t be dramatically different. A bank wants to encourage institutional investors to buy more shares of the companies it covers.

Equity Research vs. Investment Banking: An Overview

  1. However, the sell-side analyst will not tie these factors to specific share-price impacts as a buy-side analyst would.
  2. Analysts are usually divided into industry sectors to cover similar companies within an industry.
  3. However, equity research is used to help the buy side professional understand the “street consensus,” which is important for determining the extent to which companies have an unrealized value that may justify an investment.

The reputation of a firm’s research department may be a significant factor in swaying a company’s decision when selecting an underwriter when it has to raise capital. But even though the investment firm may make a substantial amount through underwriting fees and commissions, research analysts are prohibited from being compensated directly or indirectly from investment banking revenues. Investment banking may no longer be the undisputed first choice for the best and brightest. Instead of streaming into investment banking, many top graduates are now opting for careers in management consulting, technology, or launching their own startups. While the allure of investment banking may have dimmed, due to long hours and a stressful work environment, the industry still attracts many workers.

To create a useful model that’s easy to understand, you should include sections on assumptions and drivers, an income statement, a balance sheet, a cash flow statement, supporting schedules, valuations, sensitivity analysis, charts, and graphs. Examples of financial models may include discounted cash flow analysis, sensitivity analysis, or in-depth appraisal. Although investment bankers and research analysts both have to steer clear of conflicts of interest, this is a bigger issue in equity research than in investment banking.

equity research financial modeling

Equity Research Analyst: Career Path and Qualifications

Use the form below to download a research report from JP Morgan by the analyst covering Hulu. Of course, research reports are also released immediately upon a major announcement like an acquisition or a restructuring. Take your learning and productivity to the next level with our Premium Templates. Access and download collection of free Templates to help power your productivity and performance. We do give reasons for why these companies might be mis-priced, but the reasoning isn’t that detailed.

Finally, equity researchers may be tasked with developing investment models and screening tools that identify trading strategies that help manage portfolio risk. Financial modeling is a set of numerical techniques used to forecast a company’s future growth. Based on the information in a company’s income statement, balance sheet, and estimates of future economic conditions, analysts can create sophisticated projections of an investment’s future performance.

Equity research reports are one of several types of key documents analysts have to gather before diving into a full-scale financial modeling project. Barring a new company initiation or an unexpected event, equity research reports tend to immediately precede and follow a company’s quarterly earnings announcements. Valuation methods take all the assumptions from the forecast and build on them with even more assumptions, such as a valuation multiple and/or a discount rate, both of which are very subjective.

And then in roles outside of ER, you need to know how to interpret reports quickly and extract the key information. For example, if you apply to an equity research role or an equity research internship, especially in an off-cycle process, you might be asked to draft a short report on a company.

Other important skills include communication skills (explaining concepts to clients or other departments) and a high degree of initiative. In a sell-side firm, such as a brokerage or a bank, an equity research analyst typically produces reports and recommendations for the firm’s sales agents. The agents then go on to use the information to sell investments to their clients and the general public. It’s very important for anyone considering a potential investment in a company to understand the quality of its management team. This is a place where equity research analysts can add real value, since they have direct access to management on quarterly conference calls, “analyst day”, site visits, and other occasions.


Author danblomberg

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