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Healthy Relationships in Recovery: Dos and Donts First Step Recovery & Travco Behavioral Health

By June 16, 2023August 23rd, 2024Sober living

should you have relationships in recovery

It can take time to recover your marriage during the recovery process, but support is available. Professional treatment can help you and your partner cope with the negative effects of substance use. It’s beneficial for you to learn about substance use disorder, including how it affects both your partner as well as yourself. This may help you to understand SUD and how addiction works, which can help you separate your partner and the disease. It may require an intentional and lengthy process for both partners to learn how to rebuild trust within the relationship. In a relationship affected by substance use, it’s likely that trust has been broken many times.

  • Increasingly, people in recovery are emerging from the shadows and throwing off the yoke of the stigma long attached to addiction.
  • Effective communication is key to forming and maintaining healthy relationships.
  • If an individual already has pre-existing conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety, unhealthy relationships can worsen the symptoms.
  • Moreover, consider whether relationships that are not supportive of your priorities deserve your time and energy.
  • Focusing on your own well-being and recovery can help you to manage these symptoms and get through this challenging time.
  • Attracting the right partner becomes more difficult because you’re still unsure of who you are and who you are becoming.

The Stress of Romantic Discourse

should you have relationships in recovery

This lasts for a few days up till a couple of weeks and can come with some pretty horrific symptoms. After the acute withdrawal is over, though, you are not necessarily out of the woods. This is another, less intense but sometimes unpleasant period of withdrawal that lasts from a few months up to two years. People always appreciate kindness, and as long as the person is kind, they will probably also be respectful, honest, caring and trustworthy. It’s a simple concept, we take a nightly inventory where we look at our actions during the day (you can do this at any point in the day really, but usually the recommendation is nightly).

Rebuilding Trust With Friends

Your sacrifice will be repaid with a brighter future for your loved one. Ultimately, disclosing your recovery status to others is a very personal decision romantic relationships in recovery and the timing of it depends on a variety of factors. That being said, your most important priority needs to be protecting your recovery.

  • In the delicate journey of a loved one’s recovery from addiction, patience and compassion are our guiding lights.
  • Especially for those in recovery, there are dangers in giving in to this kind of romantic urgency.
  • There are many people who have healthy and long-lasting relationships with partners who drink.
  • Codependency keeps people from having healthy relationships, so unless this dynamic is changed, sobriety may not be enough to keep the cycle from continuing.

Dating can be a way to repurpose addictive behaviors by becoming consumed with a new person instead of a drug.

For someone in recovery, a new romantic relationship can seem like a gift from Heaven. The struggle and pain of recovery can be forgotten for a time, replaced by the bloom of infatuation and the expectation of more good things to come. They can create a sense of urgency to push a budding relationship further, sooner, to “rush” the next step, in an attempt to solidify the positive energy that accompanies a new romance. Especially for those in recovery, there are dangers in giving in to this kind of romantic urgency.

Active SUD vs. relationships in recovery

At Recoverlution, we try to present balanced arguments and weigh up each side carefully. When it comes to relationships in early recovery, though, there is only one answer – it usually isn’t worth the risk. You are now at a place where you are able to give to another person without expecting anything in return. This is the true meaning of self-love and will allow you to enter into a healthy, balanced relationship.

should you have relationships in recovery

should you have relationships in recovery

At Discover Recovery, we recommend establishing routines that include time for personal growth and shared activities that do not involve substances so that your detox remains at the forefront. First and foremost, people in the early stages of recovery sometimes feel emotionally unstable, making their relationships volatile. When this volatility ultimately leads to the collapse of the relationship, this can easily trigger a relapse. Adding the stress of focusing on relationships could feel overwhelming, but it also provides an important opportunity to practice distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and coping skills. Relationships also benefit from healthy communication skills, validation, boundaries, and honesty—all of which are important for addiction recovery. Relationships can be a source of support, or they can be stressors that threaten sobriety.

DON’T Forget Your Support Systems

should you have relationships in recovery

Most importantly, remember that you should not pick up alcohol or drugs, no matter how bad you feel. Taking drugs and alcohol for years or decades numbs your emotions. You may feel overjoyed one minute, boiling with rage the next, and then hopelessly sad.

should you have relationships in recovery

Being honest about how you’re feeling and your boundaries allows you to grow closer to a potential partner while also helping you progress and learn through your recovery. Another risk when you rush a romantic relationship is that you may not get a chance to really know the person you are involved with. According to a study conducted by the global research agency OpinionMatters for the Huffington Post, 53 percent of Americans reported that they lie on their online dating profiles. Today, many relationships either start online or involve communications that take place largely via digital devices. Only by allowing a relationship to evolve over a sufficient time span can you be certain of the true personality and real values of a potential partner.


Author danblomberg

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